Guidicelli Called into Business Meeting by Bosses

I was called into an owners’ meeting today by the big bosses to review the blueprints for our Meriden build. The first question I received, why aren’t the blueprints blue? I had to google that answer: The blueprinting process was developed in the mid-1800s, when scientists discovered that ammonium iron citrate and potassium ferrocyanide created a photosensitive solution that could be used for reproducing documents.
2nd question: So, blueprints are like treasure maps? My response: Precisely - what a great analogy! If you build according to the map, it will guide you to treasure in the form of rental income! #ccim #sior #cre #grateful #blessed
Michael Guidicelli, CCIM, SIOR,  President of SIOR CT / W. Mass


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